Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Simple treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

I just recently read an amazing statistic about carpal tunnel syndrome. Here’s what it said, “Many people undergo surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome when vitamin B-6 cures 97% of these people.” Wow! I have to admit that I would have been very skeptical if I had not had some personal experience helping people in this area. My husband use to suffer terribly with carpal tunnel syndrome (from construction work), and of course he waited until it got so bad that he could barely move before he would take help (typical stubborn man!, but I love him). I put him on a regimen that included B-6, and it didn’t take long for him to recover. B vitamins are essential in nerve function. B-6 improves tissue oxygenation and is a diuretic (so drink lots of water). You’ll need to get a good quality supplement for this to work, not the cheap supplements that you find at Walmart. There are other helpful things to do naturally for pain relief like capsicum or arnica. Heat and cold therapy can work well to manage pain and speed up healing, just alternate hot and cold treatments. There are also acupressure points and exercises that will help with carpal tunnel syndrome. Email me if you would like more detailed information like dosages and instructions for acupressure points and exercises.

I hope this helps.


click here for a good quality B supplement

click here for a good quality B-6 supplement

you would need both of these

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